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Become an IOW Ambassador

"I have a story to tell, and my story will help these girls get through."

-TINA (CENTRAL Juvenile Hall)

Be an Advocate

InsideOUT Writers relies heavily on the support of outspoken juvenile justice advocates who share our passion for arts-based healing and compassionate case management for those navigating life during and after incarceration.


InsideOUT Writers’ Advocates wear a lot of hats.  Often, advocates take the initiative to compile and share resources, public and private, that our team can then offer as part of our broader case management and reentry services.  This may include affordable housing leads, employment opportunities, mental health professionals, and much more.  As a small team operating across such a wide service territory, gathering and distributing these resources is critical to our ability to provide services to thousands of IOW Alumni.


Another important job that our Advocates perform is increasing InsideOUT Writers’ visibility in Southern California and beyond.  This may be as simple as resharing our content on social media!  This may also include taking the initiative to submit InsideOUT Writers for consideration for financial support, recognition, and other channels that will expand our reach.


What does advocacy mean to you?  If you have any other ideas or questions about how to advocate for InsideOUT Writers, please reach out, and a member of our team will be in touch.


If you have any questions, please contact our Development Office at 


Create a Fundraiser

Each year, passionate volunteers run fundraisers that benefit InsideOUT Writers.  Whether you’d like to host a bake sale or running a 5K is more your speed, our team is grateful for your efforts to support arts-based healing and reentry services for Los Angeles County’s incarcerated youth, past and present.


Examples of Fundraisers Include:

  • Host your own event, be it a pizza night or a black-tie gala!

  • Dedicate a special event, like a birthday or anniversary, to fundraising for IOW in lieu of gifts.

  • Compete!  Marathon runners and putt-putt pros alike can raise funds to support InsideOUT Writers through existing, philanthropy-forward events.


If you have any questions, please contact our Development Office at 


Support Us on Social Media

InsideOUT Writers is active on many major social media platforms, where we are able to share current events and other exciting announcements in between issues of our quarterly newsletter.  Our team would love to see you Like and Subscribe for more!



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